Saturday, January 15, 2011

And so it begins...

Today I got up early and went to Saddleback Lake Forest Campus for the Daniel Plan health seminar. The Daniel Plan (DP), is most likely named after the Old Testament guy who refused to eat the king's rich food, and instead ate only vegetables and water, and was the better man for it.

So for 4 1/2 hours, two doctors helped me understand the error of my ways when it comes to what I eat (Mom, you were right about everything), and how having a healthy brain is the first step to having a healthy me.

I think it's pretty cool that a church is doing this - helping people get healthy. I'm in!

So I go home and I go online to the website and the information that is supposed to be there - the fitness information, the food plan, etc. It's not there. I find that to be very frustrating! I just committed to a 52-week plan and I don't even know what it is! Ugh!

I'm a little scared. I'm scared that I won't have the willpower to see this thing through. I'm scared that I'm too lazy. I'm pretty sure from the seminar this morning that I will have to give up my three basic food groups - salt, fat, and sugar. I'm scared that I will fail. Again.

So I will meditate. Yep. I will meditate on the promise that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Perhaps this sort of thing is like forgiveness - forgiveness for something big. It is a consistent action, one that you have to do over and over again, not something that one does once and then it's over. It also must be done supernaturally, as we do not have it within us to forgive many offenses. I must be continually be renewing my mind, and seeking God's supernatural strength in this.

And now I'm off to be to get my 7 hours of sleep.

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